Crochet Hats

I still look forward to the day when I will finally be able to spell chrochet croshet crotchet crowshet croquet crochet right the first time round (okay I’m not actually that bad)
Anyway here are some hats I crocheted a few days ago! I did a funny stitch on the blue one and on the green/purple one I did a stitch underneath the large circle I made and crocheted downwards from that. I can’t really explain it, as I just learned to crochet and I don’t know any of the proper terms or stitches yet!
Here’s some rare photographs of my hats, my messy room and my face, all of which are hardly ever seen in public.
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Beaded Copper Wire Earrings

I made these from a picture in an advertisement in a wirework magazine.
I am so, so sorry about my postage shortage. I have just been so busy, and because of the light shortage before and after school, I can only take decent photos at the weekends. Or maybe I will build a lightbox.
I used my trusty cobblers block to hammer this. I think it gives a beautiful texture on the side that was against the metal


I made this a few moths ago, but i only managed to post it now. i made a pattern after, which i will post a photo of once i charge the camera battery’s. all three died on me at once 😦
it was very easy, and took me about half an hour to make. i did not have a pattern so that was a tad awkward. but anyway.


Croatia, Days 1,2, and 3. Plitvice and other things.

I havent been posting (or making) much, because i was away on a wonderful ten-day holiday in Croatia. i saw pictures of Plitvice lakes a while ago, and then more and more photos, until me and my sister suggested it as a place to go, and so we did. since i got back yesterday i have been in shock with this terrible, windy, rainy weather over here in wet, rainy Ireland. Ireland is actually usually ok weatherwise, but it turned bad when we left. just living up to its stereotype of permanent rain. in Croatia it reached up to 34c, or so our car said, so coming back to 15c was pretty nasty.
Day 1 was pretty uneventful, with a flight going to London and then to Zadar. the warm wind when we got off the plane was absolutely incredible. we didn’t hang around in Zadar, however, so we got in the car and drove on the beautiful road over to Plitvice. here are some photos of Paklenica national park and around that area, where we were driving but didn’t stop off.

our camera has a permanent black dot on the lens, so that ruined alot of the photos.

the next day we went to entrance 2 of Plitvice national park. beleive me, some photographs make you think that it couldnt be real. but its even more stunning than the photos. it is paradise. unfortunatley it was a bit cloudy that day so we didnt get the extreme blue colour until later on, but still.

All the photos above were from entrance two, where we went on our first day in Plitvice. the photos below are from entrance one, where we went on the second day.

It is more beautiful than it look in photos. i took all these photos myself, which explains the unawesomeness of them…
i will post photos of Split tomorrow!