Knocksink Wood

This place is so incredible, like seriously beautiful. I was there all day today.
To those who know it, you might not think it’s too great. A nice river, some big trees…
Have you ever gone further, though?

We went out foraging, me my parents and our dog. We’d been there before around the same time last year but we had only gone around the main loop. But up a little path up the valley, a whole new world opened up. I’ve never seen so many old, deciduous trees in Ireland before. It was so pretty, and the river was shining blue and argh. It was so perfect. The ground was all mossy and there were mushrooms everywhere.
But enough of me. Here’s some photos.
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New Room!

I know I haven’t been around for a while.
Homework is the most rotten, evil substance known. It sucks away time, happiness, freedom, energy. I detest it.
But I’ve also been doing some more stuff, and I tidied my room. And, seeing as my room is never actually tidy, I decided to go crazy. So I took everything out of it, and while it was all out I just thought… Why not paint it? It was a hand me down room, pretty nice with hills on the walls and the sky as a roof… But I wanted a change. So I painted it green and gold and moved the bed and painted a tree.
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Donkey Birthday Cake

So, on Sunday my dad had his 50th birthday party.
I was cake-baker in chief, and so I made three cakes. The others were reasonably boring, Just a lemon cheesecake and a lemon polenta cake. (But they tasted pretty good anyways)
This follow my old chocolate brownie recipe.
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If anyone wants the recipe for the cake I can give it to them. The donkey is made out of pre-made fondant icing

And also, my cousin has some awesome hair and she was flipping it around so I snapped it… Pretty impressive?

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